Legal protection from fraudsters

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Have you been deceived, thrown, let down? At the consultation, you will be told options to return your money or property. There are many aspects that influence the course of a business.

Legal defense against swindlers is a range of actions of a lawyer or defender, to carry out preventive measures to counter swindlers in order to prevent the buyer from being influenced by events caused by lies or breach of trust, or to eliminate the results caused by illegal acts of swindlers.

Fraud is a popular violation of the law in our time, the purpose of which is considered to be the taking of extraneous material values ​​​​or funds (for example, from a bank card). Just as a result of this, legal defense against crooks is considered vital. If competent legal defense against crooks is important to you, the experts of the Social Lawyers firm will provide qualified support every time. We will certainly help to help not only prevent fraudulent actions, but we will be able to restore your rights and assets that have been injured as a result of these actions. In every case involving advanced scams and methods of taking possession of property, the qualifications and skill of a lawyer are of decisive importance, because scams, unfortunately, fall into the category of hard-to-proven crimes, and litigation, designed to renew loyalty and punish the swindler, has every chance to continue. more than once the moon. As a result of this, for example, it is important to carefully recite the words of agreements before signing them, to analyze all kinds of scams, including small transactions for a thing, and to make inquiries about the people or organizations with which you are dealing, to carry out high-quality legal protection against scams. If you cannot arrange it autonomously, entrust this duty to a specialist: an intelligent legal adviser will quickly notice all the “pitfalls” and seriously tell you about them. Actually, what can be considered a scam, and in what cases should you contact a legal adviser for protection from scammers? The scope of this opinion is wide: if they sold a falsified product for you in advance, used fraudulent methods when paying for offers or acquisitions, stated incorrect information when processing some documents - this can be systematized as a scam and urged to restore fidelity through the court. To substantiate the guilt of the defendant in court, and in some cases, including preventing harm and defending against crooks, experienced legal advisers who have repeatedly encountered similar cases in practice and perfectly understand the legislative basis have every chance. Our legal advisors are masters. Call.

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The results of our cases
Helped recover $10,000 from a fraudster
What happened: The land owner wanted to sell it for $12,000. According to acquaintances, he turned for help to a real estate agent, who turned out to be a scammer. He took money from the buyer, but gave the owner of the site only a small part of it. What has been done?,... read more
$100 fine with no criminal record, where initially threatened up to 3 years in prison
What happened: a man beat a drunk offender of his girlfriend with a bat. A criminal case was initiated under Part 2 of Article 112 of the Criminal Code

What threatened: up to 5 years in prison.
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Achieved acquittal for murder
What happened: the woman fell from the window of the house and died. Her previously convicted husband was accused of throwing her out of a window. A case was initiated under two articles, one of them -
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