В 19 лет. С 0$ до 875 000 000$ на YouTube без опыта, без денег за 3 года.

Большая история. Интервью:

Большой доход в Интернете

В 2022 ТРИ самые лучшие варианта большого дохода с нуля. Без обмана и вкладывания денег.
НЕ миф. Есть 40 методов работы за копейки в интернете
И есть 3 доходных метода. Где от 18 до 70 лет. У человека есть большая возможность заработать без вложений.
Наше издание взяло интервью и вот, что из этого получилось...
Наш Герой из Украины. И его Зовут Макс.

И есть 3 доходных метода. Где от 18 до 70 лет. У человека есть большая возможность заработать без вложений.
2019-2022. Интервью
В 17 лет. С 0$ до 875 000 000$ на YouTube без опыта за 3 года.
И есть 3 доходных метода. Где от 18 до 70 лет. У человека есть большая возможность заработать без вложений.
Без английского. Только гугл переводчик
Без мощьного компьютера.
Без вложений.
Не нужно снимать себя на видео.

Правда ли это? Что ты заработал почти 1 000 000 $ за 3 года.
Мне самому не верится, за 3 года почти  1 000 000 $. Катя, понимаешь,  кажется, что сама  жизнь подтолкнула идти в это направление. Я перестал показывать свой большой доход.  Вы можете не верить мне. Но все знают, что youtube очень много платит за рекламу. 
Какие видео приносят от 500$ ? 
Почти любое видео может принести 500 долларов. Я трачу 30-120 минут на видео. И оно может принести 10 или 30 $ за день. И к концу года это может быть 100, 1000, 4000 $. Катя, Какие-то видео набирают много просмотров. Какие-то мало. Тут, главное делать видео.
Katie:  Покажи видео нашим читателям.
Katie:  Первая 1000$. Помнишь ее? Через сколько заработал
Сейчас есть методы, как с первого видео уже зарабатывать деньги. ТО есть вообще сразу без ожиданий. 3 года назад не было таких знаний и опыта и ушло 3 месяца. Чтобы заработал первую 1000$ в интернете с помощью youtube.  Чем дальше. Чем более важны правильные действия.
Конечно, я мог начать писать тексты в интернете, делать сайты, смотреть рекламу. И мой мозг понимал. Что там придется работать все время ВСЕГДА((. Поэтому я выбрал youtube.
By the end of the decade, it was pretty much done though. So now people had nothing, in particular, to believe in. They still had their DIY clothes and wild hairstyles, but no wave already.
And this is as fashionable as it gets for sports fans.
Grunge comes to the UK
Nirvana makes their famous Top of the Pops appearance
Nirvana does Top of the Pops performance, where, not allowed to play live, they just show off all over the place. And as the UK youth saw this happening, they did not exactly fall in love with Grunge but rather got the idea for their own attitude of the next decade. "The Scene That Celebrates Itself", as they call it, was finding its way.


"Our current state sucks. Let's look for something interesting in the past. Let's pretend the past is still here."
First Acknowledgement
Suede make it to the magazine cover
It was this issue of the Select magazine that stated that Britpop is a thing. It featured Suede, The Auteurs, Denim, Saint Etienne, and Pulp. No Blur and no Oasis yet.
Suede were one of the first bands to establish themselves in this new genre. They set the guidelines for everyone to follow. As the journalist John Harris wrote, "If Britpop started anywhere, it was the deluge of acclaim that greeted Suede's first records: all of them audacious, successful and very, very British"
April 1994
Blur release their third studio album, Parklife
The singles include:

1. "Girls & Boys"
Released: March 7, 1994
2. "To the End"
Released: May 30, 1994
3. "Parklife"
Released: August 22, 1994
4. "End of a Century"
Released: November 7, 1994

"Blur went from being regarded as an alternative, left field arty band to this amazing new pop sensation"
— Graham Coxon, |Blur
August 1994
Oasis releases their debut album, Definitely Maybe
The singles include:

1. "Supersonic"
Released: April 11, 1994
2. "Shakermaker"
Released: June 13, 1994
3. "Live Forever"
Released: August 8, 1994
4. "Cigarettes & Alcohol"
Released: October 10, 1994
5. "Rock 'n' Roll Star"
Released: May 1995 (US radio single)
"We don't want to be an indie band from England who've had a couple of hits. We want to go on and be an important band and there's certain things you've got to do."
— Noel Gallagher, Oasis
Young British Artists
Damien Hirst gets Turner prize for a divided cow
The similar go-get-'em moods dominate the art scene. Young British Artists, led by Damien Hirst, are making art as outrageous as possible. In 1995, Hirst himself gets the Turner Prize (the most prestigious prize in Fine Arts) for "Mother and Child (Divided)" - the installation consisting of a cow and a calf, divided in halves and put in tanks of formaldehyde.
Sarah Lucas' Self Portrait and "I'm Desperate" by Gillian Wearing


The Anthem on Air
She came from Greece, she had a thirst for knowledge
The song Common People released by Pulp in 1996 is voted a Britpop anthem. In a 2012 question and answer session on BBC Radio 5 Live Cocker said that he was having a conversation with the girl at the bar at [Central Saint Martins] college because he was attracted to her, although he found some aspects of her personality unpleasant. He remembered that at one point she had told him she "wanted to move to Hackney and live like 'the common people"
Written by Natasha Savicheva
All rights for images and videos belong to their authors.
Other Articles
Live Forever - The Rise and Fall of Brit Pop
Hilarious documentary about the Britpop music scene in the Nineties, featuring all the main brands of the scene exposing the truth behind the myths.
Oasis from the Archives: Noel in 1994
Just before the release of Definitely Maybe, Caspar Llewellyn Smith caught up with Noel Gallagher to find out about scraps with Liam, spats with Suede, and why people would still be listening to his band's debut album in 20 years' time.
Britpop on the BBC: Class of '94
BBC celebrates the 20th anniversary of Britpop with series of special programs and features.
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